Party went off with some minor hitches, but what's a party without late guests, melting ice cream and kids screaming for more tokens. Quick Question? When is it appropriate to cuss out a child guest? Ha...just kidding. I didn't cuss anyone out, but I sure wanted too. There was evidence of a good time.

Five hours of party fun and I was in the bed with my little Mac getting some much needed zzz's. Going to bed early is always good, but waking with a headache is horrible. I was not comfortable all day until late this evening. That's when I decided to do a little dye experiment. I had finished the spinning the Shetland wool and pulled out the Kool-Aid packets. I got my instructions from Knitty and did a basic bath with as many black cherry packets as I could find. It was really very easy to do. I think if I was to do the black cherry over again, I would double up on the recipe. Right now three skeins are drying in the bathroom. They look pretty cool.

What, you mean it isn't always appropriate to cuss out a kid? Or kick them in the throat? I thought these were standard responses to kinds who had gotten a little out of hand. :)
Congrats on the KoolAid dye job. I also successfully died with Koolaid, but then got the yarn in such a terrible tangle that I threw it all away. Yours looks very cherry.
Oh, the siren song of the late-night Kool-Aid dyeing! Your cherry turned out quite nice. Yes, be careful when winding the skein; use a swift & winder if you have them.
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