Knitting for babies is just awesome and I swear every time I see a wee little one I just get the itch to knit some booties. One mommy to be reads the blog and I don't wont to ruin the surprise. I certainly can't go months without at least acknowledging this fact. I'm not good at holding it in. My step-daughter is pumping out sure puts my knitting tasks to the test. You see all these babies are due less then a month from each other. I will continue with the Sahara, but unfortunately babies come first. I don't believe I have the power to hold them back;)
I will take progress photos and try to document as I go, so when the gifts are given I will have a story to go with them. Are you curious of my status on these projects...just check the sidebar to see my current baby fever.
Count down also begins for my vacation time. I'm taking a week off starting this labor day weekend and I am super excited to have my parents in town. We have fallen into this twice a year pattern...Easter in Florida and Labor Day in Chicago.
I'm hoping to take tons of pictures but seeing that my husband has not located the cable cord for my might end up with me buying one. Urg. Men.
So I leave you with some funny faces from the sweater photoshoot. These were the best of the bunch and there still bad. Oh is sad and cheesy:

Love the cheesy grins! Baby knitting will be taking place in this house soon, too! This weekend youngest son and his fiancee have another scan which should determine the sex of their late Jan due baby. After that it will be all needles on deck!
Aw! Cute mommy-and-me photos!
I heart secret knitting....
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