Monday, August 27, 2007


This weekend was all about Miss Mac and giving her a little party to celebrate turning 3. Let me just ask...where did my baby go? Look at her...

And for the record she's not eating the whole slab...she has a slice just beyond the camera angle. Afterwards she kept asking...My party? and then she'd sigh after I would answer, Yes! - Like she was taking it all in.

The toys were all about Thomas and Friends. She played with this set till the wee hours of the night...while I finished these Miss Mac's Mini-Me socks. Hey Robin, this is a great example of why I love Toe-Up Socks:

Finished Object: Cherry Tree Hill Mini-Me socks. I had barely enough yarn to pull these together...I mean seriously I had only inches left. When you make your socks toe-up you use all the yarn and if your lucky you get a Mini-Me pair out of it;) I was also amazed at how quickly little people socks knit up. Two days people...that's all I'm saying;)


Nikki said...

Ah, matching socks, how cute is that?! Very, that's how cute.

Anonymous said...

Looks like a good party and a good time was had by Miss Mac.

Knitterary said...

Those teenie socks are fantastic! I can't believe anything can be knit in two days and look that fabulous.