Mrs Froebe is due December 12. Yes, only four more weeks to go. All the mommies out there are putting out the huge sigh. We all understand. It's the longest part of the pregnancy. Each day. Each hour. Each minute seems longer then the next.
After much discussing over when she'll pop...we all started to yell out dates. Here is a list of those who wish to poll there opinions. There listed in the order of the guessed dates.
- I'm putting my bet on November 25th
- MB has December 1st
- Karen has December 5th (3:30 am, 7lbs 14oz 19in)
- Bethany has December 6th
- Linda has December 7th
- Nancy has December 8th
- Wren has December 9th
- A:) has December 12th
- Mo has December 15th
Anyone else want to throw there date into the poll? (I'll update if you comment) I should have taken a belly picture, but this will have to do:
She was calculated at 12.5 TP sheets back in October, so I'm sure she's gone up at least a half sheet;)
I'm one of Becca's friends from BC/LJ, but she said it would be ok for us to make a guess too! ;-)
I was going to say 10:28 PM on Dec 8, but since someone else got the 8th, I'll say Dec 9. ;-)
I say December 5. hmm. 3:30 AM 7lbs 14 oz. 19 inches long.
I say December 15. (Sorry, Becca, but Jason was late, too -- he was just too comfy where he was.)
Since I think you should plan for the worst and hope for the best...and because what I wish for often backfires, I vote for December 1.
I sure hope it's not that day.
I'm sending my vote from down in Missouri! I'm going with her due date of December 12th :-)
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