No knitting progress shots for you. Spent the week doing everything but knitting. Luckily I've got only two work days and then it's all about the Turkey. Wednesday will be all about pies and prepping for Thursday. I'm totally psyched about Black Friday. The gals and I are doing a yarn crawl! I'm hoping to get in some photos of our exciting day as this is also Outlaw Knitters Day.
Some other awesome knitting news is that I'm the lucky winner of Claudia's
random book giveaway and have a copy coming my way of the Clara Parkes' book "The Knitter's Book of Yarn". How completely cool is that? If you haven't visited Claudia's blog, do so. Her photos are stunning and on more then one occasion received much needed knitting tips and tricks.
Only other news I have to post is on the Twins. They are just over a month old and doing well. Mom has reported that the introduction of the bottle is going smooth and they've both gained some weight. When they were first born, baby boy Tyrin weighed in at 2 lbs 8 oz and baby girl Nanaidia was 2 lbs 6 oz. The little girl is now passed her brother and is showing the best signs of improvement at 3 lbs 8 oz and the boy is weighing in at 3 lbs.
Since I hate to post without pictures, I give you silly faces to brighten your Monday:

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