To celebrate this special day I've decided to have a contest!

What do you think? The yarn is Mirasol Hacho Yarn in color shade 303 and approximately 137 yards of 100% Hand Dyed Merino Wool. These two skeins would make great socks. The colors are really deep and rich, perfect for fall.
All I ask of you is to leave a comment between now and Wednesday September 12 at midnight about your favorite fiber thing. It can be a pattern, book, yarn, fiber adventure or if you have a favorite finished object ...let me hear the story of why you love it. A commenter will be chosen by random and I'll announce the winner on September 13. Don't forget to leave me your email address.
Thank you all for being apart of my spontaneous knitting world;) I look forward to another fiber filled year. Cheers and Knit-On!
My favorite fiber would have to be that wonderful buffalo fiber we found at "The Fold". It was so soft we said we would buy it for each other if we ever won the lottery.
My favorite fiber thing is Ravelry. Technically not a fiber, it is the best time killing, knitting related website ever. It's inspirational and entertaining.
hi... i think my favorite fiber thing would have to be 6 skiens of wilde foote (spelling?) yarn that my boyfriend got me. he went on vacation to the beach with his mom and this grandma and asked to be taken to a knitting store. he knew to ask about gauge and dye lot =)
he also got me 3 colors i wouldn't choose for myself. at first i was upset b/c... well why would you pick something that i wouldn't get for myself... but he bought me 3 different colors to break up the monotony in the colors i normally pick.
so he actually does listen to me when i rant and rave about yarn.
My favorite fiber thing right now is the variety of unique, hand-dyed, handspun fibers that are so readily available. With Etsy, Websites, fiber festivals, blogs, etc. opening up the world to us, knitting and other fiber arts are just so much more fun and creative than they used to be!
Congratulations on your Blogiversary!
My favorite fiber thing? The very first scarf I made. I don't even remember the name of the yarn. It's a super-soft bulky weight wool.
I was still living in Miami at the time, where the last thing I needed was a bulky wool winter scarf.
I had just recently started chatting on the computer with the man who is now my Darling Husband.
I think it was providence's way of letting me know it was okay to start planning the move back to to Chicago, and to take some new risks.
My favorite fiber thing? Are you kidding me? I might be able to narrow it down to a top ten.
And our field trips would definitely be high on the list! The goob sale at Kool Knits with that fabulous Mexican food afterwards...both Stitches expeditions and the yummy Italian food afterwards...the spinning wheel and "Baby sheep!" excursion to The Fold and the incredible sandwiches at that cute little cafe afterwards...
Yarn, food and friendship. Yeah. Our field trips are my favorite fiber thing. Plus whatever I'm knitting now, whatever I'm going to knit next, and whatever I've knit that succeeded.
Like I said, long list.
Congratulations on your first blogiversary! My favourite fibre thing is spinning - I love the feel, the colours, just about everything to do with spinning. Even the smell of fleece before it is washed! (Don't worry about entering me in your competition since I live far, far away! I just thought you may like to hear my thoughts on fibre.)
My favourite fiber thing is my dog, sounds weird, but he's a minature australian shepherd, aka a herding dog. Well in order to get fiber and take care of the creatures that give fiber, you usually need a herding dog. Soooo, my puppy is my favourite "fiber" related thing. He's my baby and constant crazy companion. =)
Btw, thank-you sooo much for the birthday wish. =) And happy blogiversary! I hope I spelled that right. . . . eep!
Congrats on your anniversary of your blog!
I love handknitted socks. So warm and cozy!
Oh, my email is on my blog. Duh. Yay for knit blogs!
Congratulations on the anniversary! I came here from Ravelry (teabird) which has to be one of my favorite things - but really, now, my favorite thing is sock knitting. I'm very new at it, but it's so enjoyable!
Happy Blogiverssary!!! :)
My favorite fiber thing is community. Through Yahoo groups, blogs, and now this wonderful world of Ravelry, I've met so many wonderful people -- some in person, some only online. I have a whole new local social group of like-minded fiber addicts, most of whom I never would have met except for the blog/Yahoo/Ravelry world. It's a great thing.
From a strict fiber point of view, my favorite thing is a whole bunch of royal blue alpaca fingering weight yarn I have that my dad bought for me one years ago when he visited here and I took him to an Alpaca ranch. It's so pretty that I've never made it into anything, because I never felt the combination of my skills and pattern selection were worthy of it. Now my skills are better and I have a whole bunch of lovely lace patterns on hand and it is destined to become a wonderfully comforting lace shawl that I'll wear and remember my dad, who isn't with us anymore.
Oops! Forgot my email (hate how Blogger doesn't give it to the owner of the site). Anyway, it's maxfun AT comcast DOT net. I'm Maxfun on Ravelry. :)
Happy blogoversary! My favorite fiber thing is history--feeling more connected to the generations of men and women who've knit before us--cheesy as that sounds. And babies in knitted things! :D My email is erindotradcliffeATgmaildotcom.
My favourite FO has got to be my entrelac socks. At the time I was knitting them, I had my doubts, because they were so tight. But now they've relaxed a little, and they always cheer me up when I see them on my feet. I guess the work was worth the satisfaction. Happy anniversary! (Email allergicmom(at)gmail(dot)com)
Congrats on the first blogiversary! I would have to say that my favorite fibery thing is laceweight yarn. You can get so much of it in such a small ball/cone, and have so much to do with that! Lots of intricate or simple patterns are great to know, too.
Ciao! My favorite fiber thing is thread. Especially size 10. I remember grandma having one drawer in her dresser, full of nothing but doilies! I love making doilies, and working with thread. Happy Bloggiversary!!! (P.S., I live in Italy) riohnna at hotmail dot com
My favorite fiber related moment was when I taught my sister to knit. It was the best thing I ever could have done.
Congrats on your blogiversary!
Happy 1st Blogversary!
My favorite fiber thing is neither fiber nor a thing -- it's my SnB group! I haven't been able to make it much lately, but I'm dying to make it there to show off some new acquisitions and see everyone else's projects and progress.
My favorite fiber thing seems to change quite often, but right now I have been struck down with another case of Ball Band Madness. Why do I love these silly washrags? My high school class is planning our 20th class reunion; never in a bazillion years did I think 20 years from graduation I'd be knitting washrags! For fun!
Anyway, I love the texture and the endless color combinations. They knit up quick, and are healthier and more environmentally friendly than fake plastic sponges.
But still, why forsake all other knitting projects for a washrag?
Oh, and, uh, happy blogiversary!!
Congrats! That is some seriously beautiful yarn! It's hard to say what my favorite this is because there are so many great products and items out there. I'll just pick one and say one of my favorite FOs is the octopus I knit from one of Hansi Singh's patterns. It was a great little knit and so fun to play with!
I just read what my sister, Alice, said up there and it brought a little tear to my eye. *ding*
My email is grace AT kathrynivy DOT com and my Ravelry ID is GraceIvy.
My favorite "fiber thing"... so far is not a fiber! It's the yarn ball winder that I bought at the Stitches Convention! Oh my...who'd have thought that winding yarn could be so much fun, fun, fun!!! How about this, you spin, and I'll wind for you! What a gas! (Child of the 60's comment!) Yes, my yarn ball winder is like a new amusement park for me! Bethany
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