Wednesday nights are knit nights and our Stitch 'n Bitch meets in a Tinley Park Caribou Coffee shop. The group has been established in the store for over 2 years now. Over the last couple of weeks there has been an new group (maybe 2-4 people) coming to the shop. Now, in all honesty it is a public space. People of all kinds are welcome to sit where they wish. What pulls my chain is this new study group has decided to rock the boat.
They started coming about 6 weeks ago and there always seems to be some kinda of issue. The group is fairly young...I would put them in the college category, but hell...they could be High school for all I know. I do know they are playing HS games. They've made buddies with the staff and have even gone as far as to "shush" us for being to loud. I know we might not be their stereotypical version of what Knitters are...I just think their jealous because we're having more fun.
Walking into the coffee shop last night, this said group took up the two prime spots for large groups. Wait...did I tell you there was only 3 people there!!! Yes, two at our prime "reserved" area we like best...it's a 4 seat-er, but we always tag another table and extra seats around. On average our SnB can pull 4-8 people. The other large table had one lonely girl on a laptop taking up the other 4 seat-er. sigh.
So, the idea has been floating around during our meetings to change the location. We don't want confrontation, nor to have to worry about how we'll all fit into a space...nor having me put my fist into some study bitches face...oh, I'm sorry did I just type that.
Without making a big deal about it...6 knitters, 2 cross-stitchers and one hubby on a laptop headed to Panera Bread down the street. That's nine friendly, coffee buying customers that Caribou is missing out on. Heck, if Panera sold beer I think we would be in serious trouble;)
We'll continue to do the Caribou until further notice, but I'm really liking the new spot. On top of knitting in a new spot, I got to deliver the Bla Bla to Bethany, the winner in my blog anniversary contest.

Isn't she just adorable...she made some kind of EEK sound and wouldn't let go of the yarn!! Enjoy B, I know I had fun doing the contest.
The other surprise was being treated to a belated birthday. Thank You!! Look what Becca got me... Yummy squishy Gypsy Girl Creations in the Holly colorway.

It's probably a good thing I wasn't there, either, or you'd be bailing me and Kris out of jail this morning...
Anybody actually complain/tell the Caribou manager? Anybody up for starting at 5 or 6 next week? :-)
I was quite steamed as well! It was obvious that we were getting the squeeze! One of them locked eyes with me and quickly looked away. They knew exactly what they were doing! Panera was great! I keep thinking about Broccoli-Cheddar soup as my new regular Wednesday dinner selection. It's up to the group, we'll discuss.
What, you mean the guy painting a fairy on a giant piece of stretch velour wasn't there?!
Oh, and wow, Kris! I love the yarn! Thank-you!!!!! The texture is incredible!!
I hate those bitches.
I'll get there early next week and secure that table, but we ought to decide on an alternate location. Panera was good but they close so early.
Speak to the manager directly - I suspect your group probably spends more than the younger crowd and maybe they can actually 'reserve' space for your group. I wouldn't go down with out a fight :)
We have a similar issue with our SnB group with a 'tinfoil hat' group - we found speaking loudly about menopause and other female maladies did the trick.
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