Tuesday, September 11, 2007

What I've learned about 3-year olds...

They can play ring-around-the-rosie FOR-EVER!!! awwww, you say? Oh, please stop the room from spinning. Gosh, one turn and I'm spent. I have to go in the other direction and by then forget it.

I can't even handle this on most days:

I can't explain it either...getting old I guess.

Knitting Update:

Have to put a big shout out and thank you to everyone who has left a comment so far. There is still time left before the deadline for posting a comment, but I'm discovering some awesome fiber loves.

On the knitting front, I've re-re-knit the back and if the knitting gods hold true, I might actually get beyond this 6.25 inch panel...that will somehow fit my body shape. I'm holding to the fact that the pattern is a miracle worker and does not fib.

Here is a progress shot:

I do have to say the yarn is holding up quite well for a third attempt...it's 100% silk Berger du Nord Belle and I love the feel.

The secrete knitting is going along great. Found out this past weekend that the twins are confirmed one boy and one girl...will most likely do a pink and blue match set. Although I haven't figured out what. Baby shower is only a month away...no pressure or anything.

I'm leaving you with a silly test video...

1 comment:

KathyR said...

I'm sure it isn't age - I've never been good at getting dizzy in that my daughter made me throw up once when she wouldn't stop making the round-a-bout we were on go round! Boy, did she hear about it from me and her grandma!