Thursday, March 22, 2007

Knitting Like the Wind

On to the cuff of my Ambrosia Lace socks. I don't have much yarn left, so I'm hoping I get some rib and could I push the envelope and end it with a picot edge? I'm going to temp the knitting gods.

Made my Berroco Ultra Alpaca yarn per my knitting buddy Knitterary's suggestion, I think I'll swatch this up and see if it qualifies for a Central Park Hoodie...I may have had my yarn all along and didn't even know it.

And is it me or is the knitting/blog universe holding it's breath in anticiption of the Harlot Knitters Represent launch in NY? Oh, Stephanie...those who couldn't make the journey with you, were there in spirit.


Rebecca F said...

Did you see Mason Dixon's post?

Kris said...

Very gave me goose-bumps;)

Knitterary said...

I think that yarn would work well for CPH even if it's not brown! And you could always use the squishy-cushy brown stuff to make something else. It's gorgeous stuff.

Off to check Mason Dixon....