Sunday, March 04, 2007

All For Love

How is it possible that knitting can create so many emotions. A deep love for soft, smooth texture slipping through your fingers. The hypnotic rhythm in the pattern and feeling the garment take shape. An over looming dought that what your doing will end in tragedy. Faith in yourself, that you’ve done everything possible and everything will be alright in the end. An over whelming urge to throw the whole thing across the room and pick-up some socks instead. Because you you’ve just realized the neckline is twice the size it should be and could only look okay if it was A) 1982 or B) said garment is for some Big Head Sasquatch ~okay, so I do have a particularly large noggin, but I swear it’s just the hair.

I have 2 more inches before I bind-off for the left sleeve...I’m in the home stretch ladies and gents and you know what?’s only yarn and I can always mend a large neckline. Right?

I also did a little of this...

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I seem to be cursed with creating overly huge necklines on my garments as well. Hopefully some wise knitting guru will enlighten us.