Friday, January 25, 2008


Guess who won the Lasagna Bake-off?

Me, of course... it was close and L if your reading this...great job! We were all winners that day. It's not an easy task to keep three full sheets of lasagna hot and ready for our crew.

Next competition is a chocolate dessert...gosh I gained two pounds just typing that. Since the winner gets to choose the next food item, I thought we should sweeten it up a bit. Players have to bring in some kind of dessert with chocolate in it...sounds like fun, huh!?


Rebecca F said...

If you want to win, I have the perfect recipe for you.

You need to make Jfroebe's "double pudding". Your bottom will curse me. Your hips will swear vengeance. Your thighs will try to hunt me down on their very own. However, your mouth will sing praises and hossanahs for eons.

This is a chocolate dessert so rich, that it needs to be cut with ice cream so your teeth don't just leap out of your mouth because your hands are moving too slow.

A :-) said...

You Chef, you!