Monday, November 27, 2006

Post-Turkey Update

I've made a heel!! Oh, yeah...I have a little hope of having these done for Christmas morning:) I had to try it on of course, and yes it is large...which is good. I just hope he likes them, I know I do:)

I was going to post a picture on Sunday night, but alas this weekend project got in the is why:

We had been living with white walls for years and now we have color. It's dark, but I'm loving it more and more each day.

Yes, we took the holiday as a chance to update the master bedroom. It took on a life of it's own, with holiday cooking and drop cloths, paint brushes...and the want for fiber between my's finally scratch that, it's just painted. I spent all day Sunday putting everything back to normal, with a slight rearranging of the furniture. The room feels like someone else’s house:) kinda good right? I woke up with a smile on my face and had a lovely time getting ready in the morning. I just wish the budget was open to drapes and bedspreads...but that will all come in time. I'm sure my sewing machine will be humming in my ear pretty soon.

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