Thursday, July 24, 2008

Today is Better.... Maybe.

The plain and simple truth is that working in the advertising community can be stress-full, frustrating, pain-in-the-arse, yet rewarding, challenging and unpredictable. That is why I love it so much. Not one day is the same, each challenge brings on new insights and outcomes.

After having an interesting conversation with my SnB buddy last night about season 1 of Mad Men... It started me thinking. I really should be keeping a journal. Some of the stories I could tell would make for a great plot.

Obviously it's not 1960 anymore, but there are similar situation that arise and make you wonder. I don't think my snippets of adventures would put me in Emmy Award winning categories, but would be great to look back on years from now and snicker.

In Knitting News:

I've been concentrating on my Rockin' Sock Club package from May. Since I joined Summer of Socks, feel I should try to catch up a bit.

These are the Cleopatra Stockings so far done as the instructions have asked. Not a difficult pattern as of yet. The toe is a provisional cast-on which I'm very familiar with. I had first started doing my toe-up socks that way but tossed that away after discovering Magic Cast-on.

The pattern is interesting enough that I've memorized it and not bored yet. I'm currently starting on my increases for the gusset which is a different way I do my heels too. Kind of excited to be doing something different.


Janice said...

I LOVE the sock!! The colors are perfect! I think my next pair of socks will be toe up. (Now that I've finally figured out a loose enough bind-off!!) Happy Knitting!

Anonymous said...

Oh, I don't know. Some of your stories are very interesting.

Those are great socks!

A :-) said...

I love Mad Men!! I can hardly wait to see it tomorrow :-) Those socks are really pretty - and I'm sorry you had a rough day last week.