I tried. I really did. That is the only decent photo from my Featherweight Cardigan photo shoot before I was going to loose all control of my sanity. This sweater is deceivingly warm. I'm sure a Chicago winter wind would put it to shame, but in the middle of 80 degree June this sucker is H.O.T.
I'm hoping I will find time to take more photos for a proper Finished Object blog post so I'm requesting a Do Over.

In other knitting news, Coraline is coming along just fine. Had a little issue with the turned hem, but nothing blog worthy;)
One quick awwww moment I had today was discovering that my daughter has been taking pictures on my camera... of herself!! hahahah...

What a boost for my day to discover her smiling back at me!
OMG - I read the title and was afraid you frogged the Featherweight for some unknown reason. Thank goodness it's only a photo do-over!
It looks great! Like the other commenter, I was afraid to read a frogger post.
The edging is beautiful, so glad you did it.
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