Does anyone have a clue how much it takes to put on a dinner like this, besides the ones hosting the event? My son asked me Sunday morning what was for breakfast. I gave him "the look" and said I was resting for my day of food slavery. I could tell he was puzzled, so I told him I would be cooking ALL DAY on Thursday and if I wanted to skip a couple of meals in the mean time then so be it. He is such a sweet boy... he then got up and made eggs and bacon for the whole family without burning down the house. I think I've done good.
In the knitting department, the Noro Scarf is coming along fantastically.

you've done real good. What a sweetheart your son is! :)
Love the scarf. :)
Your boy is definitely a good 'un. Do you think he might be interested in learning to cook a turkey?
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