Pattern: Oakland Shawl by Sally Brandl
Yarn: 2 skeins Kauni (EP & EZ colorways)
Needles: US 5 circular needle
Started: August 20, 2010
Finished: October 13, 2010
I was enchanted when I spotted this shawl at Stitches Midwest this past August. I bought the yarn right there and headed over to the Signature booth to buy a circular needle. I was determined to cast-on that night!

The pattern is very easy but the main attraction for this project is the yarn. The colors fade from one to the other in this slow cycle that it leaves you wondering how the next set of colors will play off of each other.

The yarn is rustic, rich with color and just pure magic.
Wow that is amazing. What a wonderfully warm looking shawl. I have never used Kauni but I might be tempted to go on a yarn hunt now.
I love this shawl it's so beautiful! I've been tempted to do something like it but haven't yet had the time or courage to do so. Great job!
Your shawl is beautiful. I saw a completed one in a yarn shop in Lake Placid, New York. I purchased yarn and the pattern. I've started five times. What am I doing wrong?
After I cast on and complete where it is says K9. It then says please marker before center stitch.
It says start pattern repeat. I follow Row 1. it says to knit to the last 3 stitches then yo, and knit 3. When I get to the end of the row I only have one stitch left. I can't for the life of me figure out what I'm doing wrong. Could you post an answer here or write to me at Ravelry?
I am newhampshknitter on Ravelry..
That really looks wonderful.Aleta
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