Time is a funny thing. At one moment your watching the clock wondering when it will just come and the next you look up and Whoa where did it go?
It's been three years and I'm sitting here going Whoa. I've really enjoyed the ride, so I don't plan on going anywhere. I'm hoping to learn a few new tricks along the way and hope you'll join me.
So it wouldn't be a Blogiversary if I didn't have a contest and some goody to give away.
Contest Rules: You have until Saturday, September 12, 2009 at midnight to leave me a comment containing 1 new technique you'd like to learn and 1 trick you've learned along the way. Please reply to this post and I'll get the random generator to pull the lucky winner.

The goody is Cherry Tree Hill Supersock in the Green Mountain Madness colorway. You know you love a color when you find out you have two in your stash;)
Happy Blogiversary! That's quite an accomplishment.
One new technique I've learned lately is how to cable without a cable needle. It's great!
One I'd like to learn is how to knit continental. I've tried but just can't master it yet.
Happy Blogiversary!
I'd like to learn how to work w/2 colours slip stitch pattern (as in Samarkand socks on Ravelry).
I'm making 2-at-a-time socks and love it. It took me awhile to figure it out even w/ the book in front of me.
Love your Tapestry Cowl but I'm not brave enough to do double knitting yet. Maybe next year.
Happy Anniversary and thanks for sharing your knitting! I recently learned how to do entrelac, which I had been eyeing for ages. Does that count? Next up--steeking. And two tricks with lace--use lots of stitch markers and use an excel spreadsheet for the rows and just tick them off as you go. (see an example here.
Congrats again on 3 years of blogging.
Wow. Has it really been three years? It seems like we all started the blogging thing yesterday.
What I want to learn is how to pick. Or how to knit like the Harlot. Anything to speed things up.
Along the way I learned that knitting is a great way to meet friends.
Happy knitting.
Happy Blogiversary!! (though I kinda hate that word - I keep thinking it's part of some bad headline regarding Blagojevich...)
Here's a technique I really want to learn - double knitting!! like you did with your cowl? so awesome, and soo scary.
And a technique I've picked up along the way? To breathe and overlook imperfections - it's LOVINGLY HAND MADE DAMMIT!! Not machine mass produced!! Ok.. Breathe... It'll be OK...
Looking forward to many more blog posts from you! (and you keep inspiring me to almost start my own too!)
I recently learned to love knitting socks. Not exactly a technique. I guess I'll have to second the cabling without a cable needle as a technique I learned sort of recently (at least in the last 3 years). I bought the book Knit One Below, so I am looking forward to learning and exploring that technique. Love the blog!
Happy Anniversary, Happy Anniversary, Happy Anniversary HAP-PPPPPE AN-NA-VER-SA-REEE!
I heard some knitters talking about knitting the leg portion of the sock first and then picking up and knitting the heel and toe later.
When I first learned how to intarsia, I learned how to splice two yarns together, making each fray a little wet and then rubbing together to combine. It works for wool.
Oh, baby -- you know I'm a sucker for CTH. My new technique is two color knitting -- I really want to try some two color mittens this winter. And I guess my trick is to sometimes just shut off my brain and trust the pattern/directions. (So THAT's how a heel works!)
Congrats on the blogiversary! Here's to 3 more!
3 years? really?
I'd love to learn how to finish one project with out starting another.
I've learned to trust my skills, and attempt things that I think are beyond me.
I just learned how to do a twisted German cast-on today!
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