Thursday, August 06, 2009

You Know it's a Full Moon When...

You decide that going to the bank during your lunch hour would be the best time to run an errand.

You take the proper paperwork from your LAWYER to the bank and the Customer Service Lady informs you that the order hasn't been properly certified.

You then have to take said "proper" paperwork to courthouse to have the order certified.

You make your way through the huge farmer's market at the Daley Center and long security screening to then head up to the 12th floor.

Certification Lady then informs you that she can't certify improper paperwork until it's been stamped by the Clerk from the courtroom.

You then head up to the courtroom on the 18th floor to find the Clerk sitting down to enjoy her lunch. She informs you that the Judge is out to lunch and to come back at 2.

By now your starving and getting light headed.

You buy a Jimmy John's sub to satisfy your ravenous hunger.

You head back to the office as you've just wasted your entire lunch break accomplishing squat.

You scarf down the sub and gather your things to head out the door to do it all over again.

You get to the security screening and are now informed from the Officer that your point-and-shoot Cyber Shot is not allowed in the court house.

You are then informed to go down to the basement at room C-123 and drop off your camera for holding.

You then get lost while trying to locate room C-123.

You finally find room C-123... FYI: it's behind the escalators.

You make your way back to the 18th floor after successfully going through Security.

You patently wait for Clerk to locate the Judge and sign off on certification.

You receive Approval for Certification and head to the 12th floor to Get Certification.

You are given a slip from Certification Lady for approval to pay for fee of certification.

You pay the Fees Lady for certification.

You then show receipt of payment to the Certification Lady and finally get certification on now PROPER PAPERWORK.

You then sulk through the Farmer's Market because your last 8 bucks was spent on the certification fees and now you can't buy those lovely peaches you had your eye on.

You head across town to the bank to show the Service Lady you now have the Certified Paperwork.

You look at your watch and it is now 3:30. Time to head home to register your children for school.

You register your children for school and it only takes another Hour and 40 minutes out of your day.

You then swing past Culver's to indulge in a scoop of custard in a waffle cone.

You type your exhausting day with sticky fingers. Ahhh, it's done.

You then think to yourself... Why am I paying for this lawyer?


A :-) said...

Oh geez. :-S What a mess. At least it's done now. I would definitely be having a conversation with the lawyer . . .

Anonymous said...


Jen said...

The lawyer didn't do all of this for you? Smack the lawyer... just smack the lawyer. You'll feel better. *HUG*

Knitterary said...

And now you know why I quit practicing law.