Wednesday, December 30, 2009

FO: Norwegian Star Earflap Hat

Pattern: Norwegian Star Earflap Hat by Tiennie Knits

Yarn: Cascade 220 in Pink and Purple (half a skein in main color and a quarter of the other)

Needles: US 5 circular needles

Started: November 30, 2009

Finished: December 5, 2009

This hat was super fast to make and I loved the pattern enough to make a second one for Miss Mac. I really should clarify that. I indented on making one for Miss Mac and misread the instructions and ended up making a hat for myself first!

This photo was taken before I added the top tassel, which I will have to eventually take pictures of. It's just really difficult to find proper daylight during this time of year.

I did finish the other two hats for the kids in time for Christmas. I waited with anticipation the morning of hoping that they would swoon over my knit wears. The craziness took over and without even knowing it my son had opened his present. All I saw was a blur as he came dashing over to slam hug me as I sat on the couch trying to stay above the holiday wrapping paper and boxes.

He was really pleased with it and I was shocked. I figured he would have tossed it to the side without a second glance. Now Miss Mac opened her slowly and picked it up and the next thing you know dropped the hat on the floor without a second thought. WHAT?? She's the one who has always loved my knitting. To say I was a tad hurt is an understatement. I'm leaning towards the Too-Much-Going-On-In-One-Day kinda reasoning for her reaction. Hopefully I'll get finished pictures of all the hats over the New Year weekend.

New Years. wow. Hard to believe it's 2010. I raise my cup to everyone of you out there. Be Healthy, Be Safe and Knit-On!

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