Sunday, October 14, 2007

Pinwheel for Munchkin

Saturday was the day that all secret gifts were revealed. It was the Froebe Baby Shower and fun was had by all.

The story of the secret gifts started some time ago with some yarn and needles which then came together to make a Pinwheel baby blanket for the Froebe Munchkin. Fell in love with the pattern so much so that it became addictive. I couldn't put the blanket down. Here is a early morning shot before heading into the office.

Here is the full shot all knit up.

Started: August 27, 2007
Ended: September 16, 2007
Yarn: Plymouth Encore
Needles: US 6 dpn's and Circ's

It's not a hard pattern at all, but if you don't watch your Yarn-Overs it can be a serious pain. I had to get into the habit of checking my YO every row to make sure I got them all in... no tears where shed, but a few choice words were spoken. At one point I was also cussing myself for not remembering how to find the circumference of a circle. Why, in fact when I got home that night I told Eric don't ever say you wont use math later in life.

The baby shower was a smash and I would like to thank Megan for joining me in hosting the event and to all the South Side Tinley Park Stitch 'n Bitch for bringing a dish and enjoying an afternoon of sweets and baby stuff.

Here is the other secret gift, a Baby Bag. I'll get into more details on this baby knit soon. I'm hoping to have a free pattern available for all to enjoy.

Here is some random shots of the shower and what fun we had!

I love this shot...the adorable outfit is all Knitterary's doings.

The last of the secret gifts are these adorable baby Saartje bootees. If you had a good eye you might have seen these hanging up as part of the decorations in the above photos.

There super cute and a very quick knit. I do recommend finding buttons before finishing...or you can tack down the flaps and skip the buttons all together.

phew...what a day. Thanks again ladies and cheers Becca & Jason! Now at least I can blog about EVERY knit I'm working secrets;)

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